
We have invited a broad range of good practice case studies (beacons) to share their knowledge and take part in the project’s activities. Beacons demonstrate different ways that farmers and producers can access consumer-driven opportunities to improve their incomes and rebalance their position in food chains through collaborative short agri-food chains.  

The 34 beacons are regional, national and international initiatives from 16 European countries. They represent a diversity of topics and issues and one or more territorial food system ‘building block‘: Short Food Supply Chains, Civic Food Networks and Sustainable Public Food Procurement. Collectively, their stories form a living library that we hope others will learn from. The beacons’ narratives are collated in a ‘Living Library’ and can be found on the project’s Collaboration, Learning and Information Platform (CLIP).

Beacons A-Z

AAdamah Biohof (Vienna, Austria)
BBizkaigane Elkartea
CCentrum Konipas (Czech Republic / Liberec Region)
Charte en Mouvement – Charter on the Move! (France)
City of Copenhagen: Designing potato tenders (Denmark)
City of Ghent food strategy ‘Gent on Garde’ (Ghent, Belgium)
City of Stavanger Kvikktest / Agile Piloting ‘pick me up’ (Stavanger, Norway)
Cooperative – Labore Oarso (Oarsoaldea / Basque Country)
Comedor Escolar Allende Salazar de Gernika / School Canteens (Gernika / Basque Country)
ConServe Project (Italy)
DDe Hongerige Stad (Ghent, Belgium)
De la ferme au quartier (Saint-Etienne, France)
De la Terre à l’Assiette (Loire-Atlantique, France)
EErnährungsrat Wien / Vienna Food network (Vienna, Austria)
FFarmer-miller-baker network (Hungary)
GGasap’Ecole (GASAP School) (Brussels, Belgium)
GASAP Participatory Guarantee System (Wallonia, Brussels)
Gran Prato – filiera cerealicola a km 0 (Tuscany, Italy)
Granennetwerk (Pajottenland / Belgium)
Granville community kitchen (London, UK)
KKPZkoALICE / CSAcoalition (Czech Republic)
MManos Verdes (initiative of ASDECOBA organization) (Salamanca, Castilla y León, and Madrid Region, Spain)
Miramap Accessbility Working Group (France)
Municipality of Torres Vedras: Sustainable school food programme (Torres Vedras, Portugal)
NNetzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft (Germany)
Nyíregyházi Kosár Közösség (Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county,  Northern Great Plain region)
OOpen Food Network (UK / International – Belgium, France, Italy, Spain)
PPereta Co-operative (Imereti / Georgia)
Pipers Farm (Devon, UK)
Protecting public farmers’ markets in Romania (Romania)
RReintroduction of forgotten crops by Elkana (Georgia)
SSolawi Erlangen (Germany)
TTierra-papel-tijera (Salcedo and Alava, Spain)
UUnicorn Grocery (Manchester, UK)