Communications, Learning & Innovation Platform (CLIP)
The Communications, Learning and Innovation Platform (CLIP) is the information artery of the COACH project.
The overall aim of the CLIP is to maximise the impact of the project’s activities. It acts as a repository, allowing users to easily navigate and access the different tools and materials developed during the project. It also provides a dynamic virtual space to enable coaching and training.
The CLIP hosts a searchable ‘Living Library’ of 34 beacons. Each beacon tells a different story of how to shorten food chains and reconnect food producers and consumers. For each one, collaboration between actors has been of vital importance – the beacons showcased in our library bring together farmers, civil society, local authorities and citizens with shared goals.
More about CLIP
The CLIP is part of project partner URGENCI’s hub (hub.urgenci.net). This enables the CLIP to be operational early-on in the project and ensures the legacy of COACH material beyond the boundaries of the project.
It also ensures that COACH resources enhance existing resources rather than duplicate them: the Hub goes beyond the deliverables for the COACH project and is fed by several learning programmes and populated with multiple project outputs.
In time, more resources will be added to CLIP including a learning module on costs and benefits; multi-media training materials on consumer driven opportunities and smart innovation; and the short films on COACH spotlights.