Project Plan
COACH is organised into 6 work packages (groups of related tasks) running concurrently across the lifespan of the project.
These work packages are not discrete in nature, but are interwoven. This interconnectedness is strengthened by broader cross-cutting themes, such as the 11 ‘Spotlights‘.
Each work package is led by a partner organisation and partners and linked third parties contribute to the completion of the tasks.
WP1 Coventry University | WP3 FIAN International | WP5 ECVC |
WP2 Coventry University | WP4 Urgenci | WP6 Coventry University |

Specific Objectives:
Develop a Living Library of emblematic good practice case studies (beacons) which demonstrate the different ways that farmers can access consumer-driven opportunities to improve their incomes and rebalance their position in food chains.
Deliver face-to-face and online training and capacity-building activities to support farmers and small operators in the food chain to access information on consumer demand and build their capacity to connect with consumers.
Provide new insights and guidance on the costs and margins for each link in the supply chain, demonstrating opportunities for improved incomes for farmers and small operators and minimising margins for intermediaries.
Design and launch a ‘farm-to-fork’ public procurement toolkit to help contracting authorities develop appropriate tenders for healthy and fresh food supplied by small-scale producers.
Maximise impact of project’s activities through a Communications Learning and Innovation Platform (CLIP) and dissemination with a wide range of relevant actors.

In Phase 1 COACH will select, document and analyse 32 ‘emblematic’ beacons (case studies)
In Phase 2 of the project, COACH will shift towards knowledge exchange and capacity building, with training events happening at different scales and extending out beyond the beacons (case studies) and consortium.
In Phase 3 COACH will shift gear again, and focus on developing and sharing tools to enable best practices.