Campfire Event: Pickmeup_Stavanger

Each of our 32 Beacons has the opportunity to hold a ‘campfire’. These campfires are an opportunity for beacons to get together to reflect on their progress and challenges so far. It’s also an opportunity for them to develop the narrative that will eventually feature in our Living Library. Here, Kristin Kverneland, describes what happened at the campfire hosted by FORUM VIRIUM (Helsinki, Finland).

Who was there? And what was the purpose?

The purpose of the campfire was to get insights on pilots related to foodscapes & restaurant ecosystem and learning and insight from the pilot Pickmeup_Stavanger by Reveel and Co-Creators.  

The Stavanger pilot is part of a Nordic project of collaboration between the Cities of Helsinki and Vantaa in Finland, Stavanger and Kristiansand in Norway and Copenhagen in Denmark.

The campfire (so-called “Innovation Sprint”) was attended by project members from such Nordic cities (four employees from The City of Stavanger and founders of start-up companies Co-Creator and Reveel). During the event there was also a presentation on Mission Zero Foodprint: Insights restaurant sector collaboration and Climate Meal-campaign.

What happened?

The campfire (innovation Sprint) was facilitated by Forum Virium and lasted for two hours.

It started with a brief introduction from Kaisa Spelling about the purpose of the project. Then the Co-Creator shared the insight and findings during the testing period. After that and a round of questions from the other cities, Forum Virium shared insight from the EU project Mission Zero Foodprint.

The Innovation Sprint was divided into two parts; the first one was about insights and ideas based on PICK ME UP, focussing on social benefits, benefits for the food producers and what is required from the cities. The second part was related to future planning, what would be interesting for the cities to investigate further and on needs for learning and development. (see figure below)

What was the significance for COACH?

Perhaps the biggest significant for COACH is the method used in Kvikktest as agile piloting for testing and learning in a safe environment.  The initiative is organised as a project. The project itself is an agile pilot and hence highly development oriented, including focus on testing, learning, trial, and error and optimalisation.

The municipality has gained a better understanding of public needs and the complexity involved when dealing with local food chain with all the stakeholders involved. Capacity building needs should be based on the knowledge and insight generated through the project. Closer collaboration among actors in the value chain could possibility increase the awareness of how small-scale farmers operate in terms of seasonal variations, production capacity and so on. Moreover, further knowledge on specific target groups is also needed if the pick-up services should be developed in a direction that better integrates social sustainability goals.

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