New spotlight video – Ellátási láncok – A tudatos fogyasztás új szintje (Supply chains – A new level of conscious consumption)

For Nyíregyháza Community Buying Group, the supply chain as a concept has only become familiar in recent years due to global problems. Yet supply chains and the supply structures that make them up are a fundamental determinant of the economic, social and environmental situation in which we find ourselves.

Supply chains are not natural phenomena. People and governments organise and, most importantly, finance the supply chains that make up that supply system.

It’s clear that long supply chains negatively affect the environment, the local economy, people’s incomes, or the opportunities for rural life. This is why the COACH project looks to support and connect initiatives that strengthen our local food systems.

In this new spotlight video, Nyíregyháza Community Buying Group look at how consumer spending determines what type of supply chain is strengthened and how consumers can play a more active role in strengthening the local, environmentally responsible economy.

Watch the video below and find out more about the initiative in the COACH CLIP or on their website.

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