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ICLEI host training event to support small-scale farm-to-fork (F2F) procurement
From 22-23 March, ICLEI hosted a F2F procurement training at their offices in Brussels, in connection with the COACH Project, the Buy Better Food Campaign (BBF), and the Ruralization and SchoolFood4Change H2020 projects.
The first day was devoted to a detailed analysis of public procurement, with a policy emphasis on collaborative agri-food chains and on school meals.
The morning session explored the possible interactions between local and regional governments and small-scale farmers, and how they can mutually benefit from each other.
This part of the conference saw the participation of farmers, civil society organisations, municipalities and two members of the European Parliament.
The afternoon session focused on the important topic of school meals and food accessibility for children, with a rich and inspiring discussion and debate on best practices, the impending Sustainable Food Systems Law, and the minimal requirements for public food procurement.
Participants included public procurers, policymakers, food system experts, as well civil society organisations.
The second day looked deeper into European law and how public procurers could write tenders that meet all existing legal requirements but would be more likely to incentivise small scale farmers to participate.
Click the button below to view the session recordings on the COACH YouTube Channel