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Are you a producer working within a short food supply chain (SFSC) or an initiator of a SFSC such as a Farmers’ Market? Have you ever wondered how to assess the impact of your initiative? COACH will soon have a new app for you!
The Sustainability Self-Assessment App for the qualitative assessment of Costs & Benefits will be soon available for free here. It will be helpful for collective or single producers to evaluate performance and gain awareness of strengths and weaknesses in the areas of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
After filling in a questionnaire, you will be sent a link to a short report and performance dashboard that compares the costs and benefits of your initiative to a ‘benchmark’ conventional channel.

The app is designed by the University of Florence with input from COACH beacons that were identified as examples of good practices in SFSCs.
The app sits inside a new Learning Module on Costs & Benefits that explains the ‘what’, ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ of costs and benefits, identifies good practices and provides other useful documents and materials