After three years, the COACH project has come to an end, but its legacy continues through the producers, policymakers, public procurers, activists, academics and consumers that continue to spearhead and support collaborative short food supply chains… and to help them do this? The COACHproject’s Communications, Learning and Innovation Platform (CLIP), which holds all the COACH materials and resources.
Hosted on URGENCI’s hub, it helps maximise the impact of the project, providing a dynamic virtual space for information-sharing, coaching and training.
The CLIP hosts a searchable ‘Living Library’ of 34 good practice beacons, bringing together farmers, civil society, local authorities and citizens with common goals and objectives, as well as hosting the several tools divided in different sections:

Both in the video library, as well as in the procurement and cost and benefits sections, you can find videos, information and innovative tools, such as the Sustainability Self-Assessment App for the qualitative assessment of Costs & Benefits, made for evaluating the economic, social and environmental impacts that a given SFSC initiative generates on the actors involved, on the community, and the territory where it takes place.
Another valuable resource is the ‘Legal Guide on Farm to Fork Procurement’ toolkit. This comprehensive guide offers practical legal advice to public procurers and stakeholders interested in connecting small-scale farmers and SMEs with the public plate, focusing on short food supply chains.
These materials, and many more, will be available long after the end of the project, assuring the legacy of COACH. The CLIP also boasts a resource sharing tool so there is opportunity to share your own resources and outcomes relating to territorial food systems.
For any future updates of material relating to COACH or territorial food systems, you can contact URGENCI.
COACH project video
Check out our latest video on what some of the participants of the Dissemination event held in June 2023 had to say about the impact the COACH project has had on them.
Do you sometimes feel like there is too much information? You want to delve into some territorial food system related resources, but you don’t know where to start? Please check out our COACH map. Inspired by a metro map, it features links to most of the resources produced through COACH in easy-to-navigate routes. Where are you going to explore next?

Online Course on Alternative Grain Networks Spotlight
Alternative grains are becoming increasingly important in transforming the food system as both producers and consumers appreciate the value of bio-diversity, organic and agroecological produce. There is a growing recognition of the significance of alternative grain networks and value chains that offer local, heritage and landrace cereal varieties to meet consumer demands for healthier, more nutritious and ecologically sustainable food options.
With this in mind, ESSRG (Hungary) has developed an online training course on Alternative Grain Networks. The main objective is to encourage and empower both new and already operating actors to participate actively in developing collaborative grain economies. The course features videos and case studies with COACH beacons from Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Georgia, and is available in English and Hungarian.
The project is ending, but the work continues! Keep in touch 🙂
Thanks for being part of the COACH journey. We’d love to hear what you are doing post-project and how you are using the COACH resources so please email us and let us know.