Coming soon: COACH Farm to Fork Procurement Toolkit 

Public food procurement can be considered a strategic tool to guarantee stable and fair income to small farmers while improving access to healthy, fresh and sustainable food in the public canteens. The COACH procurement experts will design a ‘Farm to Fork procurement toolkit’ aimed at translating sustainable food system principles into procurement strategies and tender criteria, with a particular focus on small-scale producers. 

The F2F Procurement Toolkit is mainly addressed to public authorities in order to promote practical and legally sound approaches for opening up food and catering tenders for SMEs and small-scale farmers. Besides, it will improve sharing of experience among public authorities, helping them in planning appropriate tenders for healthy and fresh food supplied by small-scale producers, while supporting farmers to access these opportunities. 

Farm-to-fork procurement criteria, best practice examples, an animated video and policy recommendations will be the core resources of the toolkit, to pragmatically guide procurers in promoting inclusive, healthy and sustainable food procurement processes from farm to fork. 

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