New spotlight video – The Good Food Loop

Mass distribution in the global food system is not only fragile and anti-resilient (evidenced by the recent COVID-19 pandemic), it is also helping to accelerate the critical consequences of climate change. In partnership with local producers in the UK, Tamar Grow Local developed a film showcasing an alternative distribution method – the Good Food Loop. The Good Food Loop relies …

New spotlight video – De la ferme au quartier

COACH is about connecting small-scale farmers with consumers and other food actors. Find out exactly what that can look like in one of our new spotlight videos on the “De la ferme au quartier” beacon initiative! De la ferme au quartier is an initiative that looks to develop territorial, circular and fair food chains in the Saint-Etienne region (Loire), by …

New spotlight video – Ellátási láncok – A tudatos fogyasztás új szintje (Supply chains – A new level of conscious consumption)

For Nyíregyháza Community Buying Group, the supply chain as a concept has only become familiar in recent years due to global problems. Yet supply chains and the supply structures that make them up are a fundamental determinant of the economic, social and environmental situation in which we find ourselves. Supply chains are not natural phenomena. People and governments organise and, …

New spotlight video – Système Participatif de Garantie (Participatory Guarantee System)

For the Le réseau des GASAP, the CSA network in Belgium, Participatory Guarantee System visits are a powerful tool to bring together consumers and the producers who feed the population. Through these visits, consumers and producers work together to establish real dialogue, find concrete solutions to specific problems, and better understand the social reality of food production. This means that …

New spotlight video – CSA as a LifeCOACH

Dive into the world of small-scale farming with our new video, “CSA as a LifeCOACH”, made by filmmakers Ondrej Sovik and Martin Matej. Find inspiration and learn more on the importance of mentorship in small-scale agroecological farming, to overcome the challenges of food system transitions, the loss of agroecological knowledge, and fighting the consequences of climate change! Find out more …

Producers’ roundtable: What are the current challenges faced by peasants? 

During our International Knowledge Exchange in September 2022, we he held a producers’ roundtable, giving farmers and producers in the project an opportunity to introduce themselves and share their hopes and the challenges they face.  Within the COACH project, improving the position of farmers in short food chains is a key objective, and facilitating interaction between farmers, public procurers, researchers and …

Newsletter 2 – Celebrating the International Knowledge Exchange

In September 2022, we held our International Knowledge Exchange held in the lovely rural setting of La Bergerie de Villarceaux, not too far from Paris.  Nearly 70 participants from 15 different countries gathered to discuss a range of important themes in collaborative short food supply chains, from the position and experiences of farmers, to dynamic procurement, mentoring policy briefs and …

New video on Farm-to-fork public procurement coordinated by ICLEI

Public food procurement can help to support small-scale farmers and at the same time improve the access to fresh, seasonal and healthy food in the public canteens. This video is the first ever cartoon on farm-to-fork sustainable public procurement and highlights the importance of a multi-stakeholders approach in promoting inclusive, healthy, and sustainable food procurement processes from farm to fork. …

Coming soon: COACH Farm to Fork Procurement Toolkit 

Public food procurement can be considered a strategic tool to guarantee stable and fair income to small farmers while improving access to healthy, fresh and sustainable food in the public canteens. The COACH procurement experts will design a ‘Farm to Fork procurement toolkit’ aimed at translating sustainable food system principles into procurement strategies and tender criteria, with a particular focus …